Awe inspiring Fender tone issues forth from a 12” 8-ohm Fender Special Design Eminence speaker fueled by a pair of 6L6 Groove Tube output tubes and three 12AX7 preamp tubes. You get three channels—"normal," "drive: and "more drive"—with gain and master controls for the "drive" channel and a "bright" switch for the "normal" channel. Other features include FX loop, Fender long-spring reverb, external speaker jack, internal variable bias control, two-button three-function channel footswitch, chrome panel with vintage pointer knobs, black textured vinyl covering and silver grille cloth. Cover included.
Amplifier Type: Guitar Amplifiers & Enclosures
Model Name: Hot Rod Deluxe™
Model Number: 021-3202-000 (120V, 60Hz) USA,
021-3232-000�(240V, 50Hz) AUS,
021-3272-000 (100V, 50Hz) JPN,
021-3242-000 (230V, 50Hz) UK,
021-3262-000 (230V, 50Hz) EUR
Series: Hot Rod Series
Type: All tube preamp and power amp
Output: 40 watts
Ohms: 8 ohms
Speakers: 1-12" Special Design Eminence® 8 ohm, 50 watt Speaker, p/n 0994812002